Sunday, May 8, 2011

TAM 1650 Postal Results

Congratulations to all my friends at the greatest workout group in Petaluma, CA, the Jellies, who had a 100% participation in the Johanthan Steiner Memorial 1650 Postal at Tamalpais Aquatic Masters this season. DeaAnn Joslin is the undisputed leader of the group, she is a rock, and she rocks! I had the pleasure to join her workouts for the 2009 spring season and they are structured, explained well, and modified as necessary to each of her swimmers.

I lacerated/punctured,stabbed my right palm with a 4" sheetrock knife Friday evening. I was too 'happy' to be doing what I was doing, scraping paint remover, yech. #Ouch, I need to keep it dry as long as possible, so I stayed out of the pool yesterday and will not swim today either. I need to find a waterproof dressing. Jeah. So I am back to the ergometer this morning.

I took some time off after the shoulder issue last week. Monday was fail. Off Tuesday, I swam good on Wednesday, and Thursday. Friday I rowed 25 minutes and swam a warm down.

1. 16:
2. 15:38 31:38
3. 15:16 46:55

The splits are 3333, 6666, and 10000.

Monitor readings were reflective of even pace.

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