Gosh, it takes a bit to get going this morning. Later than usual start, but there was no adversity. I didn't row yesterday and the results were triceps twitches. Not good. I am headed to the Y right now.
500 yards warm up swimming
300 kick
on back
with fins
10x25 kick
on back
with fins
40 second send off
USRPT Session 1
20x25 freestyle
fails 5, 8, 12,16
10 minutes recovery swimming
USRPT Session 2
20x25 freestyle
head up
go faster
climb the rope
less breathing with more rest
5 minutes recovery/cool down swimming
2000 yards/and 15 minutes recovery swimming
1000 yards race pace
My charted USRPT workout.
I log fails and some notations.
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