Monday, January 27, 2014

Remembering...My Workouts,

This should be easy as I ventured to the new outdoor above ground Myrtha built temporary/semi permanent Belmont Plaza pool yesterday.  Sunday.  It is a very new set up.  25 meters wide and a 50 meter long with bulkhead/s.  No restrooms were available yet, so we must go across the street to use the old locker rooms.  It seems very secure.  It looks like some sort of plastic/vinyl inner lining and the targets look glued on.  I am assuming the black line is glued too. 

15 minutes swimming

500 kick
with fins
on back

10x25 kick
on back
with fins
20+ seconds rest
tried for 50 second send off

200 swimming

10x50 meters
short course
200 pace
many failures 3, 5, 8, 12, 16,
looks like 60 second send off
fails over 40 seconds

10 minutes swimming

20x15 meters
no breaths
5 full strokes before breathing
swim to wall
40 seconds send off
I almost pulled out of a rep before the 5th full stroke...what, that would be FAIL

10 minutes swimming

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