Wednesday, December 7, 2011

New Action Plan

I am going to approach the next stage in the life of a masters swimmer. As I have swam well this fall season, I concentrated on the distance freestyle. My distance freestyle swimming has now approached previous times I swam 3-5 years ago.

I tested well the last weekend in Long Beach. In previous weekend meets, I may have attempted one of the middle distance events, either the 1000 or the 800. I swam the 3 distance freestyle events.

I swam 1500 meters on Friday, and I swam the 100 free for fun later that afternoon. I came back on Saturday and swam a fairly good 400 meters free, as well as testing a 50 fly and 50 free.

I had been looking towards the 800 meters free on Sunday. I wish it would have been on Friday. I probably would not have placed as well as I did on Sunday(1) but I am wondering haw much faster I may have swam fresh. I even split, by .25 seconds, and even though I was pretty tired, as the 800 was my final event.

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