Saturday, November 30, 2013

Masters Saturday Morning USRPT

I forgot the writing board on the counter this morning.  I jotted the workout on the board as soon as I got home.

I swam a 900 warm up
Kinks include right groin
began USRPT at 0640

40x25 freestyle
200/400 race pace
16 seconds
14 seconds rest
30 second send off
Fails 6,21,25,34
Note:first 2 at 17, fewer than before
end session at 0702

Recovery swimming
10 minutes approx.

Start 2nd session of  USRPT at 0715
20x25 butterfly
100 race pace
16 seconds
24 seconds rest
40 second send off
Note:first 2 at 17
Fails 5,11,14,16 Stop

Recovery swimming

10x15 easy butterfly
push from wall
easy 4+ dlk(double leg kick)
feel the water

Back issue.  The lower right lumbar is very annoying now.  It began before swimming this morning, did not affect workout.  Tightening after workout.  Still bothersome.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Enough Turkey, Back to Swimming

My elbow hurts.  So does the other one.  Dammit.  I forgot, oh yeah, I need to be nice to my swimmer, me.  I was much nicer this morning.  I used positive statements when speaking with myself.  I try to eliminate any negativity and I am doing pretty good. 

I did not swim Wednesday or yesterday.  My body was in need of rest and I felt rested this morning. 

I did 800 yards warm up.

20x50 freestyle
400/500 race pace
35 seconds
20 seconds rest
55 second send off
Fails 3,11,14,18,19

Recovery swimming

20x25 backstroke
200 race pace
20 seconds
20 seconds rest
40 second send off
Fail 14

250 swim recovery

10x15 breaststroke
push off/
pull down/
4 strokes
no time/easy
15 -18 seconds rest
40 second send off

400 cool down

3000 yards total swimming

6 days to swim meet

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


That was the only fail this morning.  I started the round with 18,17,17 and then hit 16 on #4.  Then it was on to some wall work and breakout swimming.

Note:  It kind of feels like I race every training session.  

40x25 freestyle
200 race pace
16 seconds
14 seconds rest
30 second take off
Failed 15 only

Swimming recovery 10 minutes

10x15 breaststroke
complete without injury
augment 200 IM training
40 second send off 
no pains
no issues
seamless transition to(no recovery swimming)

20x15 butterfly
wall work
double leg kick
good breakout
5-6 strokes
17-18 seconds to wall
40 second send off

Some cool down
250 yards

Monday, November 25, 2013


Good swimming this morning.  The Website, Pro Swim Workouts, posted a version of USRPT on their blog this morning.  I am not too sure about the many modifications included therein.  My Monday morning workout this morning at RBAC is thus...

Swimming warmup, including a long warm shower.
I work into the set starting with the first 50 not counting, but taking off on the top and settling into the set.

20x50 freestyle
400/500 pace
35 seconds
20 seconds rest
55 seconds send off
Fails 12(mental),16(36sec)

Recovery/warm up swimming

20x25 butterfly
100 pace
16 seconds
24 seconds rest
40 send off
Fails 5,11,15

Recovery swimming/cool down

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday Santa Monica USRPT

And away we go with today's workout.  But I have a tweak in my left a/c area, caused this morning during the beginning of the first set.  I jumped it, tried some 50's backstroke at the designated pace.

500 swim warm up

20x50 backstroke
200 pace
40 seconds
20 seconds rest
take off on the minute
Fails 3,5,7(missed turn),10(50sec),12(41),14(43),16(stop)

15 minutes recovery

20x25 free
first 4 were 18,17,17,17
5-20 completed
16 seconds
14 seconds rest
30 second send off

5 minute recovery/cool down

Saturday, November 23, 2013

USRPT Masters Snapshot

This is what a USRPT workout looks like.  This is a masters workout, I'm not 12. I'm 61.  This workout is focused on 100 butterfly.  My goal 'race pace' is 1:05/1:12 yards/scm.
Minor variances include a stop, which is a mental fail, and no 'race pace' set for the 15 yard starts.  Included in the 15 yard work is a variance of the streamline dolphin kick(SDK).  I am using a double leg kick(DLK).

15 minutes swimming warm up

20x25 butterfly
100 y/m 1:05/1:12
16 seconds
24 seconds rest
40 second send off
Fails 8(mental)12,17
Several under 16 later in set

15 minutes recovery swimming

20x15yd butterfly start/breakout
40 second send off
strong push from wall, streamline(always)
4 DLK+5 powerful strokes
cruise into wall
Fails at 4,14 (poor breakouts)

5 minutes recovery swimming/cool down

Friday, November 22, 2013

7th USRPT Session of the Week

I am pretty sure that is the case.  I am taking this afternoon session off.  I need to swim some fly tomorrow.  I could barely start the butterfly session this morning so I will do my 8th session tomorrow, which has been a no swim day.

Swim warm up.  I tried to start the session after about 250 warm up.  that did not work well.  I need more warm up laps.  I have a pain in my right triceps that needs more attention before swimming race pace.  It went away within the first 10 reps.

500 swim warm up

40x25 freestyle
400/500 pace
16 seconds
14 seconds rest
30 second send off
Fails 7,20,30(mental)
Several swims under 16 in last half of session

15 minutes recovery swimming

Attempted a butterfly session
Very tired/sore after 3 reps

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Morning Session Not Good. Better at Noon USRPT

It was a combination of a few things that made the morning session less than optimal.  I went to Commerce.  It is only $1.00 to swim there.  It is only 20 minutes away.  But there are no backstroke flags and there is not a deck pace clock.  It is awkward to look up at the scoreboard clock.  So I tried to get into a session but was not swimming well.

15 minute swimming/warm up

Set 1
400/500 freestyle
5:20/6:00 race pace
35/6 seconds(due to clock sighting)
20 second rest
55 second send off
Fails at 6,10,14,15
#15 was 38

Recovery swimming
x25 breaststroke(unknown #)
slower than race pace
50 second send offs
x15 breaststroke(unknown#, about 10)
hard push offs
good break out
no issues with groin, knee, hips, etc.

15 minutes swim recovery

Noon at RBAC

500 swim warm up
including building backstroke

20x25 backstroke
200 backstroke
2:40/3:00 race pace
19 seconds
21 second rest
40 second send off
0 Fails
several 18 seconds later in session

500 recovery/swim down
4x25 freestyle
building to race pace

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Catching Up With USRPT

It has caught me this morning.  Whew. 


Started set at 0640

40x25 yard freestyle
200/400 race pace

16 seconds
14 rest
30 second send off
Fails at 8,15,23,32,
finished strong, thoughts of creating greater propulsive forces with forearm as well as hands
applying more pressure during propulsive phase of stroke, causing more fatigue

15 minutes  recovery

20x25 Butterfly
100 race pace

16 seconds
24 seconds rest
40 second send off
fails at 4,5
slight strained medial right thigh area

Swim down another 15 minutes

Time to go to the Y.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Swim-Post-Repeat(Twice) USRPT

Spoke with Gruber this morning.  We talked about doing multiple sessions.  He had a breakout morning today.  I remained calm.  We spoke during warm up, right before we started our individual sessions.

30x50 freestyle
Begin set 0640
400/500 freestyle
5:20/6:00 pace
35 seconds target
20 rest
55 second send offs
Fails at8,13,17,21,25,28
recorded times for final 6 reps

Break, recovery swimming
20 minutes
bathroom break

20x25 Backstroke
Begin set 0735
200 backstroke
2:40(35)/3:00 pace
19 seconds target
21 rest
40 second send off
Failed #7 (mental)


Thinking of pace, not taking first rep after fail too fast.  Use complete arm for pull
Did not think about extra propulsive force during stroke phase except once. 

Remember to be springy and seek natural pathways when swimming backstroke.  Relax the spine into a curved, cupped position for springiness and let the arms pull in their natural pathways.  These techniques/thoughts produce desired results.

2000 yards swimming at race pace

Monday, November 18, 2013

Monday Morning, Go

Get in, get going.  I did some time management swimming this morning.  I warmed up until 0645, then started the first session.  The second session started at 0715.

Approximately 15 minutes of warm up swimming. 

25 yards
400/500 freestyle pacing
16 seconds
on 30 second interval
14-15 second resting
Fails at 18,26,30,37
(22 minutes)

Recovery swimming
13 minutes

25 yards
100 butterfly pacing
16 seconds
40 second interval
24-25 second resting
fails at 7,11,15,18
(16 minutes)

cool down swimming

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Santa Monica, USRPT

Nice place to train this morning but I didn't stay in town this morning.  I really was/am tired today/this morning.  SF Niners are sucking on the TV too.

I had some training thoughts while swimming.  Most important was thinking of using my complete arm in my stroke.  I need to think about continuous force3 during the propulsive phase of the stroke too.  These thoughts only occurred after midway in the freestyle set.

800 swim

50 freestyle
400/500 race pace
35 seconds
20 rest
Fails at 7,13,16
19 started 15 seconds late
20 started 5 seconds early

250 recovery swimming, including backstroke

25 backstroke
200 race pace
19 seconds
21 rest
failed 11

400 cool down including
10xbutterfly push offs
double leg kicking off streamline
breakout stroke and followthrough
15 meters

2950 yards

Friday, November 15, 2013

Cloud Cover

Woah, the alarm woke me up this morning and I did NOT get out of bed immediately.  Thanks goes out to the Benzodi family,,,


800 warm up, I think

20x 25 free
200 race pace
15/16 seconds
20 seconds rest
fails at 10,14,and did 22
I left too soon for 14, only 15 seconds rest

I must correct this set 
16 seconds
14 second rest
20 x
30 second send off

200 recovery swim

20x 25 backstroke
200 race pace
20 seconds(lots of 18/19)
20 seconds rest
0 fails

This set needs correcting too.
18 seconds
20 second rest
38 second send off

500 cool down including 6+ breaststroke walls/breakouts

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Ninety One Degrees

That is no lie, it was again in the low 90's today for the second straight day.  After my easy swimming at Rose Bowl, I went to see how the new complex at USC is coming along.  I stopped in for a swim and did a pretty good workout.

USRPT training.

500 warm up

26x50 yard freestyle
400m/500yd pace
35 seconds
20 rest
fails at 6,10,12,16,20,24,26
did not fail #20

500 cool down

Yesterday's USRPT and Today's LOAF

That is correct I loafed through 2700 yards/meters this morning.  Yesterday was a good speed workout.


1000 warm up swim

20x 25 freestyle
15/16 seconds
20 seconds rest
no fails

200 warm down/warm up

20x25 butterfly
16 seconds
24 seconds rest
fails at 8,10,12,15,17

200 cool down

2400 yards total


1000 swim
500 swim

1000 meter swim
200 meter cool down

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

USRPT 500 Yard Freestyle Training

These workouts are getting really boring.  By boring I mean there is no superfluous flopping, drills, kicking, or other less than efficient swimming.  Except for the warm up and cool down.
800 warm up
ez swim

400/500 race pace
50 free
35 seconds
20 rest
55 second send off
Failures at 12, 16, 21, 24, 27,
28, 29 and 30 were @34 seconds

12 minutes cool down
I now have a scuba slate but I did not use it today.  Failed reps are fairly accurate.

NOTE:  I can certainly feel a loss of propulsive force when letting up just a bit(a stroke or two) from the desired pace. This is a mental issue.  Professor Rushall talks about thought processes that will occur during the rest phase.  My thoughts today included thinking about the loss of propulsion when easing a stroke or two and thoughts as I was approaching the conclusion of the set that I was swimming well at the desired pace, and even concluded the final 3 reps in 34 seconds. 

Plan on butterfly work tomorrow. 

Monday, November 11, 2013


200 backstroke
100 buterfly

I swam an undetermined length for warm up, including some backstroke
Talked with Gruber, he is my mentor for this program.  He talks/skypes with Professor Rushall.

200 backstroke
2:40/2:56 pace
25 backstroke
19-20 seconds
20 second rest
Take off at 40 seconds
I did this set with zero fails

100 Buterfly
1:04 pace
16 seconds
24 second rest
Take off at 40 seconds
Fail #7,11,12

10 minute cool down

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Ultra Short RPT in Santa Monica

Well, these workouts are easy to log.

300 easy swim in Splash Pool
500 warm up in Fitness Pool

400/500 pace
35 seconds
20 rest
This makes it pretty easy to stay on task
55 second send off
Decrease send off  by 5 seconds
 i.e start set on 00, 55, 50, 45, 40, etc back to 05 is 12th rep
30 reps without back to back fails
8, 4, 4, 4, 3, 2, 2, 3
This is about as accurate as I can be. I get confused while I'm doing the set.
Failures at 36 and 37 seconds

400 ez cool down

Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday USRPT 100 Butterfly

Wow, this workout is the 12th day of swimming in a row.  One more and then I will take a full rest day.  Today was a complete ultra short race pace training workout focused on the 100 butterfly

800 swim
200 1 arm fly drill

1-4 easy with 20 seconds rest
rest period became 25 seconds about halfway into set

500 cool down

2250 total

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Staying Focused USRPT

Training effect in effect today.  I just had a chocolate milk.


800 swim

400m/500yd free
35 seconds
20 rest
28 reps total

400 cool down

Remember the objective of this training is to do as many rounds at race pace until failure to make pace time.  One round is then passed for recovery.  The process is then continued until 2 rounds are failed in a row. 
5 missed single rounds until stopping because I mentally failed #29 for the 2nd in a row.

1200  warm/cool
1400 yards USRPT

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Swim/No Swim

Yesterday was my 9th day in the water so today is my 10th straight day.  The water was so warm that it was right to take it easy yesterday.  I was seemingly tired and I still have the stupid cough,  but this morning everything was well, except the cough. 

Easy swimming
no workout
no sets

800 swim
200 back

25 backstroke
200 pace3
18-19 seconds
20 second rest
rest after 10, 18

300 recovery

25 butterfly
100 pace
15-16 seconds
25 second rest
stop after 2, 4, 6

400 warm down

Monday, November 4, 2013


Today I concentrated on butterfly, specifically the workout matrix for the 100 fly I think I did a pretty good job of sticking to the program.

500 swim
3x100 1 arm fly

400 kick on back with fins

20x25 fly
16 seconds
20/25 rest
4x, 3x, 3x, 4x(25rest), 4x(25), 2x

250 swim down

9x15 meter no breather
full recovery
good form

500 swim down

2700 yards

Sunday, November 3, 2013

First Completed USRPT Session

I stuck to the program completely today for the first time. 

Santa Monica Swim Center

500 swim
3x100 back

16x50 free
400m/500yd paced at 5:20/6:00
35 seconds
20 rest
5x, 3x, 3x, 3x, 2x


20x25 back
200 back paced at sub3:00m/2:40yd
19 seconds
21 rest
10x, 7x, 3x
I wanted to do this set butterfly but there was another swimmer in the lane

250 swim down

2550 yards

I did some quality breaststroke work yesterday in addition to some USRPT

seven days in a row, I feel good,

Friday, November 1, 2013

Log This Workout

Everything is good on the swimming front.  I am trying to do the USRPT.  I did not swim last weekend.
Monday I swam in Roseville, Mike Shiletto Indoor Pool
I tried to work in some USRPT
Tuesday I was at the SCFYMCA.
Too hard to do any hard work
Wednesday I was back at Shiletto Indoor in Roseville.
Thursday back at Rose Bowl
Warm up
Some 1 arm backstroke
Comp Pool
various, mostly 20 free and 15s fly

Today is the workout I wast to log.

1000 swim


50fly/25back hard/25free

Move to comp pool



