Friday, November 29, 2013

Enough Turkey, Back to Swimming

My elbow hurts.  So does the other one.  Dammit.  I forgot, oh yeah, I need to be nice to my swimmer, me.  I was much nicer this morning.  I used positive statements when speaking with myself.  I try to eliminate any negativity and I am doing pretty good. 

I did not swim Wednesday or yesterday.  My body was in need of rest and I felt rested this morning. 

I did 800 yards warm up.

20x50 freestyle
400/500 race pace
35 seconds
20 seconds rest
55 second send off
Fails 3,11,14,18,19

Recovery swimming

20x25 backstroke
200 race pace
20 seconds
20 seconds rest
40 second send off
Fail 14

250 swim recovery

10x15 breaststroke
push off/
pull down/
4 strokes
no time/easy
15 -18 seconds rest
40 second send off

400 cool down

3000 yards total swimming

6 days to swim meet

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