Thursday, November 21, 2013

Morning Session Not Good. Better at Noon USRPT

It was a combination of a few things that made the morning session less than optimal.  I went to Commerce.  It is only $1.00 to swim there.  It is only 20 minutes away.  But there are no backstroke flags and there is not a deck pace clock.  It is awkward to look up at the scoreboard clock.  So I tried to get into a session but was not swimming well.

15 minute swimming/warm up

Set 1
400/500 freestyle
5:20/6:00 race pace
35/6 seconds(due to clock sighting)
20 second rest
55 second send off
Fails at 6,10,14,15
#15 was 38

Recovery swimming
x25 breaststroke(unknown #)
slower than race pace
50 second send offs
x15 breaststroke(unknown#, about 10)
hard push offs
good break out
no issues with groin, knee, hips, etc.

15 minutes swim recovery

Noon at RBAC

500 swim warm up
including building backstroke

20x25 backstroke
200 backstroke
2:40/3:00 race pace
19 seconds
21 second rest
40 second send off
0 Fails
several 18 seconds later in session

500 recovery/swim down
4x25 freestyle
building to race pace

1 comment:

Phillip Luebke said...

No deck pace clock? You need a PaceWatch. Check it out at

Phillip Luebke
Founder of Brilliant Swim