Sunday, January 16, 2011

Erging Across The Indoor Pond

I have some DOMS today. Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness from the back to back sessions on the C2. Perhaps I should get another log card and a card reader this time. I should look for interesting indoor rowing gear at the SacState Indoor Regatta on February 5. Qualifying times are posted for the opportunity to compete at the Crash-B worlds in Boston later next month. I understand there are 4 round trip tickets for winners of divisions as long as they meet the qualifying time. Times for my age group is just under 7 minutes for both light and heavy cats.
I will be happy with a very good row(7:30-45). My PR for 2K is 8:04, several years ago. I self tested about 2 months ago, spontaneously, at 8:30 and will test again this week.

I am still swimming too. Today I did a recovery swim, recovering from the erg sets of the past 2 days.
1000 swim, slow and not too neat either,,,
10X75wacky IM straight
Several 25 free, build

I have decided that I should no longer attempt the breast stroke as I am noticing deficits in my right lumbar as well as possibly irritating the epicondyles of both elbows.

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