Friday, December 28, 2012

Year End Post

I have been doing pretty good this past month.  Due to many meets, a new approach to training, and coming back to competition, I thought it would be a good idea to stay away from the training group for a while.  I like it.  I have been training by myself, just as in the past.  I am a pretty good coach, I like my workouts.
Broken 200s
Lots of butterfly
1000 warm ups
500 kicks
good rest when necessary

Short Course
1000 warm up, including 250 1 arm butterfly
500+kick, more dolphin on back
500 broken at 100,
5-10 seconds
7:20 end
100 ez

Long Course
100 back

2x100 fly 1,1,1; 2,2,2


200 warm down

3200 yards/meters

This workout is a progression following yesterdays workout, which in turn, followed the previous workout.  This is how I train.  I will get back to logging the workouts in earnest January 2, 2013.

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