Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saturday Morning at Ridgeway Pool

I heard that the Hermine and some of her friends were swimming at Ridgeway Pool this morning. Bob, the retired cross country coach, and a relay teammate of mine, was there too. We both did or own thing or two, while the ladies did their workout together. I did a simple set including a 500 dps swim, 5x100 kick alternating 100flutter/100dolphin on back,5x100fly easy continuous, 500 fist free,dps, and I finished with 20x50, 25free/25hard fly. 3K simple but the dolphin on back with no fins was encouraging. The first 10 fly sprints were snappy, the last 10 were breathing every stroke. Overall a very good workout. I am not doing any dry land training today. Since I have been off work, I have been able to swim consistently every day. I have worked into my swim schedule a planned off day on Saturdays, although I am swimming through this Saturday as I will begin a taper in a few short days. I am always wary of the tapering part of the preparation for a big meet. I think that I have been moderately successful before and I need to be confident and stick to my plan.

Now it is time to hit the training table.

I can not find proper results for Perth. I heard there was a lightening alert during the womens 800 Free and there had been some confusion and they are letting those that missed their event have an opportunity to swim the next day. I wonder if lightening down under caused a delay in results being posted?

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