Friday, April 18, 2008

Up and Swimming

Hi, I finally am an approved blogger. Now, to blog, and blog I will. As time permits, I will be looking back on this year,as I recover from a lumbar fusion procedure procedure, and I will examine my progression from hospital bed, to the indoor pool at the local YMCA five weeks after surgery, back outdoors to the public pools in Santa Rosa and finally some training for meets culminating at the USMS Championship Meet May 1-4 2008. I want to thank my friend and fellow SRM swimmer, John Morales, for planting the idea for my own blog. John is at FINA World Masters in Perth and he has a nice blog, santarosamastersdownunder. We wish John and fellow SRM swimmers Warren Schenstrom, Joe Dunn, and Mali Apple the best of luck in Perth at Worlds.
I think I will go to see the coaches daughters swim. And swim they did. The coach I am speaking about is the tall outgoing blond hottie on the deck or on the blocks, Santa Rosa Masters coach Hermine Terhorst, Pacific Masters Swimming Coach of the Year for 2007. She just loves to teach old people new tricks in the pool, she has a real knack for teaching adults how to swim. And she competes!!

Briefly, I am getting ready to culminate my comeback in 2 weeks. Is a 10 day to 2 week taper appropriate for me? I have been done this several times in the past, I remember doing a carbohydrate loading regimen the week before a marathon, and there was a peak and taper period that I did for the marathon in addition to the carbo loading. I don't think that carbo loading is appropriate for swimming, unless you are a marathon swimmer, and plan to spend more than 2 hours in the water.

I swam in the Pacific Masters Championship meet last weekend. I swam best times in 500 and 1000 free. I had 50 free and 50 fly dialed, on target and the 100 fly felt strong and the 200IM was uneventful. I need to improve the technique for the 50 breast to get back to 32. I will attempt to make a significant improvement in my 200 fly in Austin. I did not swim 200 fly at PMS Champs, although I feel confident and I think if I swim 'thoughtful' I will surprise myself.


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