Thursday, May 24, 2012

Where Is Coach?

Wow, this has not been witnessed yet, but there was not a coach on deck this morning.  Eerie.  The rec pool was closed and I see they are actually vacuuming the pool.  It's a miracle.  The comp pool looks like it got a sweeping too although there many areas that were missed.  But hey, I think it is the first time I have seen this.  Like I said it is a new day.  I hope they keep at it. I chirped with a guard and he seemed to concur that the staff needed to do it more often.  It seems there is a bit of slackness on the day to day operation of the pools. 

500 meters

So with no coach planned workout, we, being Pat, David and myself, came up with this.

400 swim
300 pull
200 kick and
100 drill
This is a typical warm up. 
Adds up to 1K

4x50 kick, board w/o fins on 1:10

3x200 on 3:30

4x50 ascend on 60 sec

I continued with another 30 minutes of swimming
Mostly butterfly
Various configurations, paces, etc.
1 arm
slow 100
some backstroke
about 1K

3500 meters

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