Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Very Careful(cautious) Workout

In the course of workouts leading to the sprint pentathlon on Sunday, we have covered the first three strokes in IM order because today we concentrated on the breaststroke.  We were very careful and succeeded in completing the workout with zero incidents. Yay.  I was very cautious throughout the evolutions


warm up

3 times
4x25 breast kick
30 seconds
  modified with dolphin
50 free
50 breast


200 breaststroke
  modified to backstroke

325 free

100 breaststroke from block

50 breast from block
   40.50 cautious

400 cool down

2250 yards short course

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Monday and Double Tuesday

Quick Monday

300 swim
300 pull
200 kick

10x100 free
1-4 descend on 1:50
5 ez
6-10 descend on 1:40
10 ez

4x50 fly drill
100 fly

400 warm down

2600 meters


maybe the 3, 3, 2 was for todays warm up

400 free
best pace
100 ez
400 pull
best pace
100 ez

4x100 back
100 ez
4x50 back
1:05 morning
1:10 noon
100 ez
100 back afap

2800 meters

Swam in morning and noon,

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Friday and This Morning

Big Meet at the pool this weekend.  We were allowed a quick 0600-0700 for this morning, short course. Let's go with Friday's workout first:


600 mixer(500)

choice not free;
first 12 back,
1-4 1:15
5-8 1:10
9-12 1:05
last 8 fly
13-16 1:00
17-50 :55

50 50 100
on 1 min
50s =100
42, 49 stop

42, 41, 1:20

400 cool down

2500 meters

Hour of Power

500 warm up

4x25 kick
35 sec

IM order
30 sec

25 fly
50 breast
75 back
100 free

200 cool down

2500 yards short course

Friday, February 22, 2013

Pre Workout Post



600 mixer

4x25 no breather
1 min

4x25 sdk
1 min

2 times through

Sprint Pentathlon

Wall pushoff

Block start
3 minutes

600 warm down

Alone and seperate from workout group all morning.  There were 5-6 swimmers too.

15 minute warm up

10x100 back
1-5 descend
5-10 descend

10x100 fly
3x100 drill
2x100 200 pace
3x100 free/fly
2x100 fly/free

200 easy breast

100 swim

7x25 free
no breathers

100 swim

15 minute erg @1100

Colonoscopy today.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Watching The Neck

Darn it, the neck is still stiff, but I did the workout too.  Setting the clock 10 minutes ahead allowing better warm up. 

600 mixer, completed

2 minutes
1-10 best pace
11-15 descend
16-20 ascend, ez

200 warm down

2800 meters long course

2k erg 10:27
30 minutes weight room, no machines

Monday, February 18, 2013

Careful Swimming, Pop Quiz

In honor of Presidents Day, our naturalized coach from the Great North asked us a few simple questions of our presidents. 1. How many?  2. How many died in office?  Fail, it is good to be born here, I forgot the answers, even though the number of presidents have increased over my swimming life.
I incurred a stiff neck yesterday, Sunday.  I was sitting here and it just happened.  It really set in too.  Prescription medicine incicated.

I was fairly comfortable this morning.  I was very cautious and careful during my swimming.
I arrived in the pool late too.


200 warm up
  all I had time for, maybe 300

poli sci quiz...

kick, stroke, free

400IM order

9/10 swimmers
8 in our lane
long course

stay away from the gym

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday Update

But first I will tell everyone about the Thursday workouts..DoubleDay Thursday. 


20 minute warm up

8x100 free
2 minutes
Best interval

4x200 warm down


15 minute warm up

300 free
300 pull
200 IM

200 swim
200 pull
100 IM

100 free
100 pull
400 IM

I did a 5 minute erg at the Y before the noon session


15 minute warm up

4x100 free
800 pace(1:27)

T-20 Swim
1250 meters

Full dry land session at SPSMYMCA, that is the South Pasadena/San Marino Y

 7 swimming sessions
3 full dry land sessions
1 easy erg
Coach has requested that I take the Saturday morning workout off, we will see.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Miniscule Strain Needs To Stay That Way

That miniscule hammie twinge caused by a simple push off with a dolphin exascerbated the numb in the right foot.  I would think it is an irritated sciatic nerve, perhaps stemming from a minor lower back irritation earlier in the day.  The numb sensation is gradually dissipating.  I talked about it this morning with coaches and lifeguards. 
Warm shower
Hot tub

Then I decided to get in and 'test' the injury.
Pass at 60%
Very concious of movement

250 warm up
Alternate 100s
100 pace

5x100 free
watch body position

5x25 25/swim back
no breather
descend to 13
watch stroke and body position
60% kick

wanted to do 5x25fly

Back to RBAC for dry land training.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Quick Update

I have been pretty much staying in the lane.  It is not too hard to find time to do those extra sprints that are needed.  Following a steady diet of coached workouts in addition to extra time after workout.

I did 2 extra swims during the previous week, Tuesday and Wednesday.  Both swims were self induced.  There were also 2 dry land sessions. last Monday and Tuesday.

No yard totals or descriptions of workouts available, due to a lack of exceptional memory.  I am curious if the coach keeps a book, I know he has a book, I have seen it.  I am pretty sure he keeps track of something.  

Like minds think alike.  Jeah.

Rose Bowl Masters swim meet last Saturday.
Nice thank you email from Coach Chad to all swimmers, volunteers, etc.  Coach was very happy.  LOTS of swimmers, excellent job by all volunteers.

See results here.

I gotta write this stuff down!

4x150 warm up
2 min
3x400 swim down

2600 meters

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

NO Nooner Today

Gee whiz, I was going to get back to the pool this noontime, but I think it is better to take it easy.  I was kind of beat up this morning.  I do feel better now but I am just going to not swim again today. 

I swam with the workout group yesterday and today. 

Yesterday, Monday, I did some extra
5x100 butterfly
200 yard pace

several sprint
25 free
various rest including active

Full weight training session,
Watch the shoulder
Am I using my shoulders during bench
do not lower dumbbells past vertical on incline bench

Lets see how many swimmers are coming to the Rose Bowl Masters Meet.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Add Em Up

Coach checked with me yesterday as to how many swims I had towards the Polar Bear Incentive.  He had me marked down for 17 so I am going to see if that seems right.
I swam every day this week, lets see how many swim workouts I have noted here.
I swam 6 coached workouts, including the 1 hour swim on Wednesday.