Friday, October 18, 2013

All Systems GO

Today was my first attempt at the new training paradigm involving USRPT.  Ultra short race paced training is a modern, science based, training system using a predetermined 'race pace' that is held through the set.  The optimal rest/break/interval is +/- 20 seconds.  A predetermined number of repetitions is completed at the 'race pace'.  When failure to meet the time happens, the next repetition is bypassed and then the set continues.  The set is finished when 2 reps in a row are failed.

I did a mixed workout today.  I mixed traditional training(TT) with USRPT.  This was my first real attempt.

1000 swim
500 kick on back w/fins

broken 200
45 seconds
on 3:30

35 second pace
20 second rest
go on 55 seconds
failed at 5 and stopped at 10

18 second pace(1:12 pace)
20+ sec rest
go on 40 seconds

400 ez

Good swim on Thursday too...!!!
And I rode the bike for 40 minutes!

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