Wednesday, March 12, 2014

USRPT Appears in Social Media

USRPT has its own web domain, and Twitter handle @swimusrpt and masters swimming blogger, yours truly.  Additionally, my friend and fellow masters swimmer Glenn Gruber has just broken the WR for the 400 SCM Freestyle and he is a dedicated adherent to USRPT.  He speaks with Doc Rushall on the subject regularly.

There is a recently published report on how to approach a big meet, USRPT style.  Tapering vs. peaking.  It was published on Saturday, March 8, 2014.  I will link Doctor Rushall's websites with all the great research and information soon, under the swimming links section.

Today I had a time shortened session.  I also got caught up in the big meet preparation stuff but I am only going to a 1 day meet on Saturday.

1000 swimming
500 kicking
  including 4x50 dolphin with 20 seconds rest

10x50 freestyle
fail 6, 10

200 recovery swimming

12x25 freestyle
fail 6,
these were easier paced than all out

1 minute cool down

2500 yards

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