Friday, June 5, 2009

Two For One

I have not been too inspired with working out lately, therefore I have not been filling out the blog
as much as I can. I fulfilled another week of p/t, and todayit was okay, the shoulder seemed less irritated than usual. I did the 10 lb. curls with no pain in the shoulder , only in the tricep. I should be able to row without pain today. As for swimming, I have been lap swimming, no butterfly, no sets or hard training. I have to get this problem fixed. I will not do butterfly, it is that much of a problem. I should not do pull ups, either.

Lap Swim Thursday, Finley
1100 ez
1100 cruise
200 back
200breast kick
16x25 easy

Lap Swim Friday, Finley
1.5 miles

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