Friday, February 10, 2012

Lost in Paradise

Take a look at this article from several years prior, I believe it explains the revolutionary, at the time, concept of what is presently known as the wave breaststroke.

That is yesterdays workout is lost but I do remember that we totaled 2800 meters and I was in the pool at 0624.

We did do a
4,3,2,1 warm up.
I think yesterday was stroke day and I tweeted such..
Now, if I can remember the rest of the workout.Nope.Darn. Felt strong and smooth during fly work.

Today we started workout in the rec pool, where was our lane in the comp pool? 4,3,2,1 and then 8x50 on 70 seconds. We then moved to the competition pool where we continued the workout.
100 free ez

200 free afap
swim down
600 meters ez choice

900 meters
1400 yards

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