Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Meeting with Coach

He likes to bbq, talked rubs, regional bbq, got to make another batch of the Rub so I can get a jar to him. Swimming scyards this morning, Wednesday.

800 mixer warm up

10 seconds rest
200 free
175 breast
150 back
125 fly
100 IM
75 back,breast,fly
50 back, fly
25 fly
900 yards

To the blocks for 25 time trials
14.78 fly
18.98 back
17.- breast
unk free

15 meter break out time 7.78

200 warm down

2200 yards total

Yesterday we swam 2500 meters and I was in the rec pool at 0620 for an additional 10 minute warm up.

Also did Pilates session at 1000-1100 on Tuesday, then went to swim it in. Swam for 25 minutes, some ez fly.

I will try for a power workout at noon.

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