Sunday, April 10, 2011

Saturday Test 2K

Friday I only swam as I thought about the test 2K for the next day.
I think this is the day I actually did a "set" after about a 30 minute swim.
10x50 free, descending.

Looking back in the log, it appears that I had swam 6 days in a row and it was a good day to bypass the swim after the test.

10 minute warm up to 1900 meters
2K Test
End 7:58
I think I will use the 1:40/:20r and the target will be 500 meters@1:40. That is 6:40 2K,, go row!!

1000 meter warm down

I am back in the pool today, Sunday. Yech, it is cloudy(the pool) and I think that it is hard to do any set work this morning. I am thinking about how to retire from retired competitive swimming and go for it in 2012. I age up for meters.
30+minutes mindful swimming.

Go Row.
15 minute erg
3150m 5 minute warm down.

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