Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Up

Trying to get into the water at or before 0615.  I made it into the pool at 0615 this morning, yeah.  We did a kick workout and there was some minor discussion after workout that we should do more kicking.  Another swimmer mentioned something about getting to the pool earlier to do some kicking.  I got my new Aqua Sphere Zip Fins.  They are not designed for fastness, but they are a good training fin. 


1000 warm up

4x25 kick on 45 sec
4x50 kick on 60 sec(?)
200 ez
4x100 kick with fins on 2 minutes
4x100 swim with(out) fins on 1:30
   I did all intervals without fins except 1:40 between 2/3
200 warm down

2700 meters

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