Friday, September 28, 2012


I am really reading The Mental Athlete, by Kay Porter.  I will be using the daily log here to plan and discuss the thoughts, exercises, affirmations, negativity, and changes in my behavior.

Normalcy includes a full coached workout.  Thank you Chad and Trish. I discussed my left hand placement including the catch and Chad suggested  use the zipper drill in the water.  He also showed us a dryland movement/exercise to help improve the high elbow which is more difficult for me to keep without rotating my arm inward and entering the water thumb first. 

Place both hands on a flat surface.
Rotate arms outward, leading with the elbow.

I am experiencing soreness in my elbow, right now, when I am doing this exercise.

I also mentioned retraining my nervous system to coincide with the process.


800 swim

6x100 on 1:50
2x build
2x descend

4x50 stroke(back) on 1:30
  coaches input=good, a bit of head movement but otherwise, real good
100 back full speed 1:34 h/r140

300 warm down

2000 meters

Supplemental Sprint Workout


400 meter warm up
Sprint work including
 x25 free
  x25 fly
200 meter cool down

45 minutes

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