Friday, February 27, 2009

Easy at Marin YMCA

I was a little slow out of the house this morning. I pass the PHS workout, I just do not need the workout today and the coach is not therethis morning so I headed to the Marin YMCA for an easy lap swim. I ease through 2500 yards in no particular hurry and go to the station and I complete 30 minutes on the treadmill. I am swimming at a 1 day meet on Sunday at Contra Costa College. I am entered in 5 events starting with 200IM and finishing with 100 fly with 50 free, breast and fly in between. The weather is forecast to be questionable, possible rain and wind.

Yesterday evening I did a small bit of dryland training, only 15 minutes on the treadmill and 15 minutes on the Concept2 rower.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

John Steiner Memorial Postal 1650

I knew John as a fellow competitor and acquaintance. He was a long time member of the Tamalpais Masters, and he was active in PMS as well. He was stricken with lung cancer, suddenly and fatally. The last I remember seeing him was at the World Champs in 2006 at Palo Alto. I could not believe he was so sick. He passed on soon thereafter. It is a fitting tribute to him that TAM has named this event to honor Johnathan.

I did get a re swim last Monday evening at Finley. Actually, it was the only attempt other than the failed attempt at the 1 hour swim or the meager effort split for the 1 hour swim that I submitted in January. I swam it like a 1650 and not a a ssplit for that hour swim. I only did 100 yards warm up as I swam about 2000 in the morning after work, to get the cramps out. It seemed to work, i swam without cramping and at about 7 minute/500 pace. Those splits for the 1650 were 24:21. and 24:30+ respectively.
My final time was 23:18.40

1:20 2:44 4:10 5:35 7:01
8:24 9:47 11:13 12:40 14:08
15:29 16:57 18:21 19:47 21:12
22:37 23:18.40

I will mail my entry in tonight. I need the timers signature to complete the entry form.
In addition, there are 3 one day masters meets in the Bay Area this March.
March 1 BEAR, Contra Costa College
March 14 Rinconada, Palo Alto
March 21 SCAM, UCBerkeley

Also upcoming in April are PMS SC Champs, SPMA SC Champs, YMCA Masters Nats too. Unfortunately, Y Masters Nationals is same weekend as PMS SC Champs.
The USMS Short Course National Championship Swim Meet is in Clovis California, May 7, 8, 9 and 10. The Canada Masters National Championship Swim Meet is in Toronto, Ontario the following weekend of May 14-17.

Take it Easy

I woke up undecided as to where and at what time I was to swim today, so I got back into bed and waited until I got up at 0600 to go to Finley this morning. I saw Chief Eric Hoffman this morning and we talked swimming management. I found out that Liz had left Petaluma shortly after she took the job last season, I did not know. He also told me that DeaAnn has the swim program in Petaluma now, TVA dissolved and his wife Christina teaches at PVAC and the Redwood Club.
500 easy swim
500 bilateral breathing free
500 kick fins alternating kick, on back
500 dolphin kick on back with fins
250 breast kick, hands extended
250 breast kick on back
10x25 breast, 6-7 strokes/lap
10x25 breast w/dolphin wave,
last 2 50 on minute
250 warm down
3250 yards

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lets GO Swimming at PHS

Lets go swimming at 0515, I have to start getting there earlier, it is like I am one of the scragglers coming in towards the end of warm up. I still warm up with at least 500, at least 200 fist swimming.
6x100 kick, 3 w/o fins, mostly dolphin, 3 w/fins on back dolphin all
300 scull/scull/swim,4x75
8x75, IM, no back 4times/no free 4times
8x25 dropped stroke on 30
200 scull/scull/swim
2x(3x75) hard/easy/easy, easy/hard/easy, easy/easy/hard, hard is fly
6x25 fly/free on 30
6x50 dolphin on back w/fins, 10 seconds rest
2800 yards+600 warm up
This was the full workout. I was out of the locker room at 0710.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


It is really warm at the Y today. The water is 84 and I feel that it is really comfortable. I believe that it is better to swim in a warm environment as less energy in th form of heat is lost keeping the body warm.
500 swim
500 kick on back with fins
500 swim
500 fly
6x50 slow
2x100 fly/fly/free/fly
5x200 broken free
less than 40 second on 45
2 and 3 at 35
500 speed play, backstroke
3500 yards
Later on this afternoon I received my new registration card reflecting my renewed affiliation with the Santa Rosa Masters. I also went to the Y and rowed for 17 minutes and did a quick circuit on the machines. I also talked with Glenn at the pool this morning. He could be a good fit with SRM as he is 36 and a really strong swimmer and he competed in high school and maybe college.

Monday, February 23, 2009

easy does it

Mondays come often when I work a set schedule, and today is uneventful. I did find a new website, but I need to subscribe to post, maybe sometime i will do that.
It is a split day today, I swam this morning after routine maintenance was done on the automobile, oil changed and tires rotated.
500 fist freestyle
500 swim
20x25 kick with fins, on back
10x50free easy 39sec on 1 minute

Later at Finley I will swim the postal 1650.

I did back to back weight training on duty including 30 minutes each day on the treadmill. The 5 station circuit consists of 1)curls 2)military presses 3)triceps sxtensions 4)lat pull downs and 5)bench presses. Light on day one, with dumbbells, little rest. Two rotations takes around 15 minutes. 6)would include bent over rows.

Friday, February 20, 2009

3swims in two days

I made it tt two workouts today and I am tired. I swam in Petaluma at PHS at 0515 and I went to Ridgway at 1215 and did a short sprint set too. Yesterday I swam at Ridgway too. I swam solo yesterday, and I don't rmember very much but here it is:
3x100kick on back with fins
10x50back, hard
10x50breast, not too hard
2x250, brokenfree

Friday morning 0515, PHS
600warm up
15minutes tread
2x(5x100)1 easy, 2hard easy easy easy, 3easy hard easy easy, 4 easy easy hard easy, 5 easy easy easy hard, then 1 easy, 2 hard easy easy easy, 3 hard hard easy easy, 4 hard hard hard easy, 5 all hard
repeat sequence, kicking
I did fly for the hard laps
250warm down
3200yards+15minutes treading, 4 with weight

Friday noon
250 warm up
5x(4x25free)short to various rest intervals
20x25fly various rest intervals, slow and medium
250 warm down

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I am back at PHS this morning. In the water at 0515, the pool is about 2inches from the deck, it is full, about 6 inches above the gutter. But it is not that cold, as reported by fellow swimmers. I got about 750 in for warm up, including some back. I feel yesterday's workout, my left calf still has a twinge, but I think it is only a mild strain.
3x(3x100 kick on back with fins, 1-arms at 45, 90. 135 and 180 degrees, 2-arms behind back on 1 and 3 laps, 2+4 arms streamline, and 3-arms streamline all)
4x50 on 60 drill, choice
20 minutes of 100s, odds fist swimming, even swim, completed 10
20x25, 1+2 on 20, 2+4 on 30, some stroke on fast interval
100 warm down
Total including warm up3450 minus 2x50 is 3350.
I talked with the Santa Rosa coach, Hermine Terhorst, and she has asked me to rejoin the team. I told her that I would. I sent Nancy the paperwork last night and I hope that I can be reinstated to the SRM by the PMS meet. SRM will now have a competitive 55+men relay with the addition of Tim Birnie from TOC. It looks like we can be around 1:54 for medley and 1:42 for free.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Feeling the Weight(Training)

On a track to be on the weights 2 days in a row, and adding 1-2 more sessions leading up to the meet in May. I am using the opportunity to use the equipment at Station 5 the last two days. Feel strong today at Ridgway, but I think I have strained the left calf. Self coached aerobic based swimming today after 2 no swim days.
Swim strong 25 minutes 1500
Kick on back with fins 12 minutes 750yards
Tread/scull/tread 15 minutes
10x50 back
10x50 fly
200warm down
3400yards+15min tread/

Saturday, February 14, 2009

VD Day, Ridgeway

Is Ridgeway spelled as such, or alternately, Ridgway? Wow, the former is underlined, so I think that the latter is correct. I am in lane 1 with Don F and Susan N. Lane two has He, Sa, Pa, Rex, Lane 3 Wa, Da, JM, Lesley, Lane 4 Jan, 2 Mikes, others about 16. Not enough warm up only300 or so,
4x100 swim/drill
4x100 kick/swim 100s
15x100 2minute
2x100easy/100fast, 5 times
note: several under 1:10
500 quick set, free @45sec
200warm down
3200 yards
notes on workout include not enough warm up, possibly resulting misplacement of left side entry for catch phase, resulting in twinge subclavicularly on the left. Also swimming too fast too soon. It was a good quick workout.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Rowed on concept2 yesterday evening for 20 minutes. Easy row. In the pool at 0515 and to the workout with
600 yard warm up
15minute treading
5minute dolphin kick(on back/w fins)
16x50 4rounds easy/easy, hard/easy, easy/hard, hard/hard, butterfly/free
4x300, swim, broken, broken, easy
2750 yards+treading, kicking

Thursday, February 12, 2009


10 times out of 10 I would say that I do solo workouts at Finley. We are as such this morning in at 645 with
500kick fins/on back alt all
This set is not presented clearly. Perhaps it represents a poorly planned workout, although if I explained it better, it may make sense. The broken 250 were consistent at 38. IM set untimed. 50 free sets consisted of hypoxic/Texas style on 55 and90 intervals. Probably a recovery day.
Try to row this evening.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Jackie at Ridgeway found the blog!

Did weights at station yesterday in PM. Good, a bit of heavy with rotator drill. Walked on the wall too.
On my own today at the Ridgeway pool. I warmed up for 20-25 minutes, including 500 kick with fins on back.
5x200 fly, 2x2001arm, alternating, 1x2001arm wave breast with dolphin, 1x200, count strokes,1x200free/fly
50/100free between4,5
5x100fly, same
10min treading/some vertical dolphin
Jackie the pool manager at ridgway told me that she took the SRM womens 45+ relay picture from the blog and added it to her web page for Ridgeway. Cool.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Valentine Affair February 7, 2009

I swam 4 events at USF meet on Saturday.
500warm up
200free 2:10.77
300warm down
500fly drill/1 arm/easy
200fly 3:00.- 1:31/1:29
400 warm down/warm up for 50 free
50free 25.47
300 warm down/warm up
200IM 2:35.6
2700yards for meet
Sunday is a no swim/no dryland
Monday at PHS
600yard warm up slow
workout is
3 rounds, swim/pull/kick

pull w/feet drag
choice is IM
kick 200s w/fins

Friday, February 6, 2009


In the pool at 0515 and there are already 10 swimmers. I warmed up with over 600 easy swim.
15 minutes tread water
4x200im/stroke end at 0630
USF Valentine Affair swim meet tomorrow.
2600 yards

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Finley 0900

Think that Michael P. might need to stop and think before he hits the pipe again, he is a swimmer, after all, it is a well known fact that he has adhd, and pot does seem to have a positive effect on those people that need to deal with the disorder, huh..
Yesterday was 2nd day of shift so it was a no swim day, but I did a short fast 5 place circuit.

500kick on back, 10fly/10alt
4x200 broken 2@100,2@50
200rest, recovery

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Marin YMCA

I arrived in the pool before 0600 and since the previous two workouts were pretty intense, I decided to take it easier today.
500stroke/free alternating lap
750kick on back w/fins
5x100 on 1:30-1:45@1:15
100free easy
5x50free on 55@34
5x50free on 1:30@33-31
100free easy
3200 yards

Monday, February 2, 2009

Today is fresh

I did a pretty good job of remembering the workout from yesterday, I think that is how it was supposed to go. I have to modify most of the Santa Rosa impromptu workouts simply because they are too brutal, they are way elite level swimmers, and I don't want to cause any scene on the deck with cpr or anything like that. DeaAnn had us doing an IM workout today too. As usual we had as much time to warm up as we needed, I was in the water for about 500 yards.

4x50 im order 60,55,50/
400 1st100 im
400 2nd100 im
400 mid100 im
400 3rd100 im
400 4th100 im
200 easy
4000+warm up
I hope to make it to the YMCA this noon

400IM Training,Sir

Why, oh why is there an event as the 400 Individual Medley? The ultimate, I suppose. Two training sessions Sunday with Warren and Monday at PHS. Jeff from Portland swam Sunday at Ridgeway. He is FAST. I will look up his last name. Try and remember:
Sunday February 1, notables Warren, Deb,Leslie J,Mike,Don,Sarah,Lesley later, and Becky, Rex
500warm up
swim down
3700with warm up/down