Tuesday, February 24, 2009


It is really warm at the Y today. The water is 84 and I feel that it is really comfortable. I believe that it is better to swim in a warm environment as less energy in th form of heat is lost keeping the body warm.
500 swim
500 kick on back with fins
500 swim
500 fly
6x50 slow
2x100 fly/fly/free/fly
5x200 broken free
less than 40 second on 45
2 and 3 at 35
500 speed play, backstroke
3500 yards
Later on this afternoon I received my new registration card reflecting my renewed affiliation with the Santa Rosa Masters. I also went to the Y and rowed for 17 minutes and did a quick circuit on the machines. I also talked with Glenn at the pool this morning. He could be a good fit with SRM as he is 36 and a really strong swimmer and he competed in high school and maybe college.

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