Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Erik Sterne said...

Is it possible that masters swimming heard about my reasons for allowing compression assisted swim suits for older swimmers so they may feel less pain and be significantly more stable in the lumbar region, thus limiting back issues and so on and so forth? Allowing masters swimmers to use compression assisted swim suits for these health issues would reinforce my thought that these suits can be considered prosthetic devices, therefore having no place in competitive venues, excepting Masters swimming.

Tony Austin said...

I am loving this comment.

I occasionally post a comment on Tony's excellent blog and apparently he liked my comment.

On to swimming today I don't know what happened but I started out as I do, slowly. I started to build a bit because I noticed that both shoulders were pretty good.
500 swim
500 kick on back w/fins

That was it. I could not start swimming again because the left shoulder was bothering me too much.

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