Thursday, August 6, 2009


We were going to go to the JCC this AM but the outdoor pool was broken again, I believe it is a faulty pump this time. We made a quick descision to go to the TLRC pool and it was really nice. The weather is changing today and there was some cloud cover but more importantly I felt pretty normal in the water. I did not have to start as slowly as yesterday, when I was really sore still from the previous days Y session and I went to p/t before I swam too.
1250 swim ez
30x25 on 30 sec, 2 1 minute rests after 10 and 20, last six very sore shoulder area at impingement region.
2000 yards

1500 swim ez-near cruise
250 choice
5x50 cruise on 60, 40-36 sec
2100 yards

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