Tuesday, March 9, 2010

EZ All Morning

I kind of feel a bit of soreness in the left pec this morning. That is good biofeedback, indicating that I did some training yesterday. It may be of interest that the rest of the left arm is fatigued and sore too. I have been aware of the looseness and popping in the surgically altered right shoulder, but there is not the aggressive soreness as on the left side.

I swam last evening at happy hour. The wind chill was a factor, but the water was very warm. There is also a problem with the ventilation in the Finley locker room. I told the front desk about it this morning. I should record last evening's swim here;
500 free
5x100 back on 2 min, last three-29, 27, 28
250 fly drill, including 50 modified Biondi drill, 2x100 1 arm, no breath/full stroke, breath
5x50 fly, ez/strong
500 choice, including turns, breakouts, mostly free and fly, no clock, various intervals, this is what happy hour is about, relax swim a few rounds, no hurry, hypoxic talking time!

2000 yards

Thsi morning was EZ swim because I am a bit sore from the exercise yesterday.

500 free ez
500 kick on back with fins, alternating
100, 2x200 back
250 breast, dps and spl, wall work but ez pull down, try to lead with navel
4x50 off block, adjusting depth of dive and breakout stroke timing, 1 off side ez
500 fist free
500 lane line assisted backstroke

3000 yards

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