Wednesday, February 17, 2010

One Workout at a Time

I thought I would get to the swim center at Finley a bit earlier and I got there at 0615 but I had nowhere to swim. I got in to circle and the other swimmer went to another lane to join in the workout being led by Warren. I stayed to form and did a B+ workout, tailoring it to my specifications. Today I cannot swim at noon. I have been joining the group swim on Wednesdays to swim broken 200s and butterfly workouts and I may still be a butterflier, so I did some fly work this morning.

500 swim choice free/back
5x100 free 5 seconds rest
500 kick on back with fins, dolphin
100 free
4x100 fly 200 pace
5x100 free smooth
5x50 fly/free on 90 sec
100 free
5x50 free/fly on 60 sec
200 warm down

3300 yards

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