Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday Morning Go Fast Day

Wow, tlhere were 15, 16 swimmers doing the ad hoc Santa Rosa Masters workout led by John M. this morning at Ridgway. The water was really good, but I did miss my warm up shower because the Neptune swimmers use all the hot water after their workout, which coincidently ends just before we get in the water. So we had 4 lanes and a swimmer swimming in a lane by himself.

500 swim choice warm up
3x100 kick 2 min
3x100 kick swim, breast kick/free 1:50
3x100 swim 1:40
6x50 IM on 60 sec

Main Set
4 times through

2x100 choice
100 IM hard 1:26, 1:27, 1:18, 1:13

200 warm down

3100 yards

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